How Humanity has Influenced Ellen King’s Art

Posted by Admin on February 03, 2023

Art as a means of expression holds immense value, not just to the individual that makes it but to society as a whole. It has the ability to shape minds and inspire and influence cultures, politics, and even the economy. And as much as it influences, art also represents different cultures, beliefs, and, most importantly, the artist’s own mind.

Art offers both the artist and the viewer to be transported to a different time and location. It can be used to document and preserve history, and, in that view, art itself never diminishes; the older a particular work of art gets, the more it has to say about the world.

Seeing an artist’s mind openly expressed on a previously blank state embodies the very soul of creation that comes straight from the imagination. A master of this expression is Ellen Armer King, a world traveler, and teacher who uses multiple art mediums through which she recounts her experiences.

Her imaginative and yet grounded artistic expression is on full display in her Faces of India oil paintings online series. Through these paintings, she takes the viewers on a journey through the vast landscape of India. Through each of her works, she highlights the contrast between the grandeur of the country and its abject poverty. Ellen King does an excellent job of portraying a complex country through her use of complex and even brighter colors to highlight her own experience with the country.

Ellen King’s Inspiration for Her Art

King’s artwork reflects what she has gleaned from her travels to Israel, Africa, and India. Through bright, vivid colors, she expresses the world that is teeming with life; be it through her artworks containing nature or her portraits of people she has met.

Ellen King has traveled all over the world, and she interacts with the world with a fascination that can be clearly seen through her artwork. Life, nature, and people are important to King, and the intimate photography that she has done throughout her travels to Israel, Africa, and India reflects just that.

Just as Ellen King is inspired by the different people she has met around the world, she also holds a deep fascination for the different elements present in nature.

Bright tones and colors show the abundance of life in these parts and the strong sense of culture that comes from it. Through her intensely focused portraits, she is able to capture details that would be easy to miss out on. King’s artwork reflects what she has gleaned from her travels to Israel, Africa, and India. Through bright, vivid colors, she expresses the world that is teeming with life through her artworks containing nature or her portraits of people she has met on her travels.

If you are looking for Faces of India oil paintings for sale made by Ellen King you should visit her website for details about the inspiration behind her works and take a look at the different paintings that you can purchase. There is nothing more satisfying than filling your home with meaningful art, and Ellen King’s work certainly qualifies. Ellen King has traveled all over the world. She interacts with a fascination that can be clearly seen in her artwork. Life, nature and people are so important to King. Her intimate oil paint, photography and chalk pastel reflect this as you view her work.